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PIJIN Co., Ltd.

Booth Number:
Contact Dept.:
  • 最新包装技術セミナー
  • 医薬品包装コミュニティゾーン
  • 通販・ギフトパッケージゾーン
  • English
  • Chinese
Make a Sign Speak Any Language
- One QR code for all translations -


QR Translator automatically redirects users to the appropriate translation based on their mobile devices' language settings. All the user needs to do is scan the QR code. Come try it at our booth!

Product Information

QR Translator

  • DEMO

No apps needed! This solution makes translating printed materials into multiple languages simple and easy. You can translate the content and add text-to-speech in up to 14 languages per QR code.

QRT Multilingual Survey

  • DEMO

Contactless survey collection is possible! It redirects users to the appropriate translation based on their mobile devices' language settings and displays the survey contained in the corresponding language. The results of the free-text item responses are automatically translated and can be viewed with the original text.


Target Industries

  • Health Food
  • Perishables: Agricultural
  • Seasonings / powdery
  • Health Beverage
  • Alcoholic Beverage
  • Nonprescription / Powder & Granule
  • Nonprescription / Tablet
  • Skin Care
  • Makeup
  • Mass Retailer
  • Convenience Store
  • Restaurant Service
  • Small Domestic Appliance
  • General Household Article
  • Toy

Exhibit Categories

  • Packaging Softwares / System Designs
  • Designs
  • Product Planning / Marketing
  • Contract / Consulting / Services
  • IT Systems / IT Equipment

Video Gallery

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