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Matsuo Sangyo Co., Ltd.

Booth Number:
Contact Dept.:
Advanced Technology Div.
  • 最新包装技術セミナー
  • 医薬品包装コミュニティゾーン
  • 通販・ギフトパッケージゾーン

Product Information

Verasatile Converting Machine Labo (VCML)

  • DEMO

The VCML is a compact labo coater that can print ,coat and laminate on flexible substrate such as paper,film and foil.
More than 12 kinds of application can be done by replacing head.
Material such as solvent base, water base and UV inks,paints,varnishes, and adhesives can be coated. Correlation with production machine can be easily obtained.

K303 Malti Coater

  • NEW
  • DEMO

  • DEMO

  • DEMO

  • DEMO

Target Industries

  • Chemicals

Exhibit Categories

  • Printing Machines